Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Days like today

Remind me why I moved here again, please. It's crowded. It's noisy. People here have astonishingly bad umbrella etiquette. And in summertime, the smell of hot sidewalk trash is...remarkable. 

Then, there are days like today. Today reminded me. It's wonderful to feel like you've been given a second crack at things, especially when your doubt has reached an all-time high. The past week has been filled with reminders, along with a renewed sense of purpose, accomplishment, motivation and fulfillment.
It also doesn't hurt when your day ends with this:

I can't help but feel kinda special for happening on this sunset in between the buildings of the Manhattan skyline while sitting in Bryant Park, my bare feet cooling in the grass. 
Thanks, Manhattan.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I welcome myself to the world of blogging!

After many years (ok, maybe days) of badgering from my family, I've decided to create a blog. It is here that I will post about my recent trip to Italy. There will be words, and also pictures to look at. I might also decide to write about other things once I'm finished writing about Italy. So, welcome, "self". Try not to be too uninteresting.